Exceptional Radiation Shielding Design
I have over 30 years of experience in shielding design and radiation safety of medical, industrial and research facilities. I have successfully executed numerous shielding designs both nationally and internationally. My “one-stop shielding design" services ensure my participation in all phases of the project: schematic design, design development, construction documentation and inspection; and shielding integrity radiation surveys. I am an expert in electron, photon, neutron and proton shielding. I was a consultant on NCRP Report No. 151, “Structural Shielding Design and Evaluation for Megavoltage X- and Gamma Ray Radiotherapy Facilities. I was the Task Group Chair for the Particle Therapy Cooperative Group (PTCOG) Report 1: Shielding and Radiation Safety for Charged Particle Therapy Facilities. I have written chapters on shielding in the books “Proton Therapy Physics” and “Principles and Practice of Proton Beam Therapy”. I have given talks and taught shielding courses at AAPM summer schools, HPS Meetings, PTCOG Educational Workshops and various other national and international conferences.
I am very experienced at working with architects, contractors and project managers. I insist that architectural drawings are correct, and reviews and signs off on relevant construction documents and submittals. I am very responsive and provide a quick turnaround time on projects. I provide a comprehensive physicist's report for submission to the state or other relevant regulatory agency. My early involvement guarantees the implementation of cost effective shielding solutions, and a facility constructed per design. My careful attention to detail eliminates costly mistakes and retrofits. In addition to my strong communication, foresight, and facilitation skills, my availability to interact with the architect, contractor and regulatory agency relieves the client of additional responsibility during the various stages of the project.